26th Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction 8 - 11 October 2023 Thessaloniki, Greece
The conference will be in hybrid format (physical presence and online presentations)
Plenary Session 4 - 11:00 Prof. Yulong Ding |
Oct 11th 20:00 — GALA AWARDS DINNER (DIAS HALL - Level 7)
Mediterranean Palace Hotel
3, Salaminos & Karatassou str., Thessaloniki, 54626
Welcome Reception: Sunday 8th, 20:00, DIAS HALL
3, Salaminos & Karatassou str., Thessaloniki, 54626
Welcome Reception: Sunday 8th, 20:00, DIAS HALL
Plenary lectures
Prof. Antonis KokossisNational Technical Uni of Athens
Process systems engineering as a technology driver in the transition to renewable industrial production
Prof. Robin SmithThe University of Manchester
Finding a Route to Net-zero Carbon Emissions for Process Utility Systems
Prof. Kathleen B. AvisoDe La Salle University, Philippines
Game Theoretic Defense of Input-Output Systems
Prof. Yulong Ding University of Birmingham
Thermal Energy Storage Using Composite Phase Change Materials - From Materials, to Devices, and System Integration and Optimisation
Full rate registration fee (physical presence): 800 € (before August 10th, 2023), 900 € (after August 10th, 2023)
Full rate registration fee includes: Participation in all conference activities between 8-11 October 2023, access to all virtual pre-recorded presentations, publication of one paper in the CET volume or the PRES’23 proceedings, coffee and lunch breaks, awards event (dinner) on October 11th, 2023.
Student rate registration fee (physical presence): 700 € (before August 10th, 2023), 900 € (after August 10th, 2023)
Student rate registration fee includes: Participation in all conference activities between 8-11 October 2023, access to all virtual pre-recorded presentations, publication of one paper in the CET volume or the PRES’23 proceedings, coffee and lunch breaks.
On-line full rate participation fee: 550 €
On-line student rate participation fee: 450 €
On-line participation fee includes: Access to all virtual pre-recorded presentations in the PRES’23 Conference, publication of one paper in the CET volume or the PRES’23 proceedings.
Extra CET publication: 275 €
Accompanying person: 300 € (includes coffee and lunch breaks, awards event (dinner) on October 11th, city walk tour)
A full or student rate registration fee must be paid for each paper presented at the conference (on-site or on-line) by June 30th (for paper inclusion in the special issue of CET) or by July 15th (for paper inclusion in the PRES’23 proceedings)
Prices are inclusive of all legal taxes.
Ukrainian solidarity
On-line conference participation fee waiver for all participants with a Ukrainian University or Research Institute affiliation.
Includes access to all virtual pre-recorded presentations in the PRES’23 Conference, publication of one paper in the CET volume or the PRES’23 proceedings.