FF4EuroHPC Experiment

The goal of CCUPAR is to demonstrate in large scale, parallel computing infrastructures, an algorithm that enables the simultaneous material and process selection, design and controllability assessment of CO2 capture and utilization processes, through case studies of industrial relevance. Such a market could reach $6.13 billion by 2027 making the need of efficient and competitive designs that require enormous computational effort in very short development time absolutely crucial. The case studies will be provided by an SME that will be trained by the developer of the algorithm and an SME (HPC provider) to use the algorithm in HPC resources.
This will be done for both absorption/desorption CO2 capture and utilization of CO2 to produce precipitated calcium carbonate nanoparticles in an advanced process that uses a rotating packed bed, with numerous advantages over conventional systems. The problem is very challenging computationally, as only the CO2 capture process design and controllability assessment (without considering materials and process selection or utilization options), requires approximately 216 CPU hours in modern clusters. Through implementation of parallel technology, CCUPAR targets the increase of the design space by at least 3- 4 orders of magnitude (i.e., tens to hundreds of millions parameter combinations), the reduction of the computational effort by 50% (at least) and the identification of design solutions that enable savings of more than 10% of the annual turnover of the industrial sectors where the technology will be implemented. Such sectors include the quicklime and cement industries which exhibit enormous emissions and cannot operate unless they emit CO2.
The studies will be performed by YSD, an SME partner who is active in these areas. The carbon capture market could reach $6.13 billion by 2027. Currently, there are less than 20 projects worldwide that attempt to develop commercial-level capture plants, with only two in operation. The option that is further proposed here includes the use of CO2 as raw material for the production of precipitated calcium carbonate nanoparticles. This utilization option is very relevant as the proposed product has great commercial value, numerous applications in everyday life, but is produced through conventional processes. The use of the proposed parallel algorithm will provide a leading edge to the partners, as in current practise the design activities are performed for such system through PCs. YSD is planning to exploit the algorithm in collaboration with CERTH for consultation services to the industry. Chemical engineering software developers will also be approached, who currently provide problem solving environments that are mainly for PCs. The developed algorithm could also be licensed to other companies who may be willing to provide consultation services to the chemical industries.
The experiment is part of FF4EUROHPC project funded by the European Commission within H2020.
Partners: Y Squared P.C. (Coordinator), Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (Algorithm provider), Yotta Advanced Computing d.o.o. (HPC provider)
CCUPAR Concept

Carbon Capture and Utilisation

Relevant Applications

High Performance Computing for Clean Processes

Expected Results in Design of Clean Processes